As a marketer, you would want to use the best way to reach the masses. And to do that, what is better than displaying your ads to the massive crowd of Google’s products’ users. Google Discovery Ads is a way to deliver your ad to your target audience without waiting for them to search for your ad with the help of engaging images. While doing this, the main planned channel is Google Discover. But now, Google also allows you to attract the attention of your potential customers is frequently used channels such as YouTube and Gmail.
Where Do Google Discovery Ads Appear?
Google Discovery Ads displays your ads, prepared with high-quality images on Google Discover, Youtube, and Gmail, which have a total of 2.9 billion users.
Google Discover: It is a system that provides information to mobile users with constantly renewed content such as news, interests, events by using artificial intelligence. It is the best way to convey your ad to the most appropriate audience as it can closely follow the interests of your potential customers.
YouTube: Youtube homepage, which is the most-watched channel for video-based broadcasts all over the world, is one of the best channels for your Google Discovery Ads due to the frequency of visits and its suitability for visual presentations.
Gmail: Google Discovery Ads are displayed on the Gmail Promotions Tab. One of the best ways to avoid being obtrusive when competing with other ads on this tab is to use Google Discovery Ads.
What Are the Advantages of Google Discovery Ads?
- Increases the efficiency of your campaign with richer, more relevant ads. Google uses unique methods to understand the interests of its users. In this way, you can make more meaningful and more targeted campaigns for your potential customers.
- You can access bid suggestions based on Google information to set your bids. With the Maximize Conversions Bid or Target CPA options, you can optimize your bids and meet your media marketing goals.
- You can create locally generated ads at scale on Google properties. Feed presentations, which are prepared to take into account the interests of consumers, are settled by using machine learning. So, this is the best available way to get your service and product to your target audience.
- You can be on many channels with a single ad campaign. With a single ad campaign, you can be on various contexts at the same time: the Youtube Homepage, “Which Video Is Next?” feeds, Promotions, and Social tabs of Gmail, and Google Discover feeds.
How to Create a Google Discovery Ads Campaign?
If you have previous experience with Responsive Search Ads, creating a Google Discovery Ads campaign will not be challenging for you. The process is largely the same.
1. Understand the Differences with Responsive Ads
Image quality is much more important in Google Discovery Ads campaigns. Low resolution, poorly-cropped images are flagged for review. Also, clickable overlays such as “click here” cannot be used, they are also flagged for review.
Square logos are cropped as circles in Discover. Make sure your logo matches the circular presentation.
2. Select a Google Discovery Ads Type
There are two types of Google Discovery Ads. The first is Google Discovery Ads created with a single image; the other is Google Discovery Carousel Ads created with multiple images.
Google Discovery Ads (Single Image)
Singe-image Google Discovery Ads consists of three components.
- A single static image,
- a headline,
- and a description.
There is a 40 character limit for the headline. You can use up to 5 headline alternatives. There is a 90 character limit for the description, and you can upload up to 5 alternatives. In addition to these, you can provide 20 different images with four dimension options. Image dimensions suitable for Google Discovery Ads:
- Square (1:1)
- Landscape (1:91:1)
- Portrait (4:5)
- Logo (1:1)
You need to provide multiple headlines, descriptions, and images so that Google’s artificial intelligence can test different types of ads and deliver custom messages to the user.
Google Discovery Carousel Ads
The difference from single-image Google Discovery Ads campaigns is, it allows you to advertise in the form of a gallery instead of choosing a single image. You can enrich your campaign gallery with up to 10 images. Each of the images you choose for your campaign is displayed on a separate card in the order you chose. Google Discovery Carousel Ads allows your potential customer to scroll through images. The limit of 40 characters for the headline and 90 characters for the description is also valid for this campaign type.
3. Select a Campaign Goal
Click on New campaign and choose your goal that is aligned with your marketing strategy: Sales, Leads, or Website traffic.
4. Choose Your Campaign Type
Choose Discovery in the Campaign Type Selection screen.
5. Set Your Bidding Focus
First, select Conversions and set a Target CPA. If you are not sure about the Target CPA, Google will suggest a suitable Target CPA for you based on market trends. If you don’t set a Target CPA, your campaign will use the Maximize Conversions strategy. You can learn more about Maximize Conversions and Target CPA in our Smart Bidding Strategies article.
6. Identify Your Ad Group and Select Your Target Audience.
You need to name your desired audience.
7. Make Your Choice between Discovery Ads and Discovery Carousel Ads
Choose your ad type between two types. It is recommended that use two types together.
8. Click the Create Campaign Button and Done!
Your campaign is ready to present.
Some Bonus Tips to Enhance Your Campaign
- Use Native and Promo-focused headlines and descriptions together. While the promo-focused copy is the best option for the Gmail Promotions tab, native ad copy is the best option for the discover feed. You can use these two together to ensure maximum efficiency in every medium where your ad will be published.
- Take advantage of all funnel stages. Google Discovery Ads can be used at all stages of the funnel.
- It’s good that your messages are in call-to-action style.
- Avoid excessive text, shape, and logo usage. The excess components can be unattractive to your customers.
- Choose your words carefully. Note that you have a character limit. You should make wise choices.
- Use both types of Google Discovery Ads. Using the two alternative types together — Google Discovery Ad and Google Discovery Carousel Ads — is the best.
- Include at least five square images and at least five landscape images during campaign preparation to optimize performance.
- When using Google Discovery Carousel Ads, the visual flow you prepare creates a story about your brand. It is a good way for your ad to attract your potential customers.
- When preparing the Google Discovery Carousel gallery, make sure that all images are compatible and of the same size. Irrelevant images can distract your customers.
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